Generic function plot
shows the points in a two-dimensional embedding or projection space with options for customization.
a data.frame
created using er_frame.
an integer
vector determining the dimensions plotted. Default is c(1, 2)
an optional character
string specifying the column used to determine point size.
an optional character
string specifying the column used to determine point (and label) color.
an optional character
string specifying the column used to determine label texts.
an optional character
string specifying the column used to determine label size.
an optional logical
comparison determining which label texts to show in the plot. Can be based on any columns in data
a numeric
specifying the point padding.
a numeric
specifying the label box padding.
a character
string determining the viridis color set. See scale_color_viridis_d.
a numeric
vector of length 2 determining the begin
and end
arguments of scale_color_viridis_d.
The function returns a ggplot2
Wulff, D. U., Aeschbach, S., Hussain, Z., & Mata, R. (2024). embeddeR. In preparation.