adapted from


This is your final assignment if you want to get ECTS points for this course. You will use all we learned during the course to understand, arrange, analyse, visualise and report on a new dataset about medical appointments. If you are not into ECTS points you can still take a swing at the project - it will have some new challenges for you!

What is the dataset about? There is a large number of medical appointments where patients end up canceling or simply do not show up. This practise comes with costs to the medical system - in this assignment we will try to understand what drives patients not to show up in a sample of medical appointments from Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil.

You should (at least) complete the following tasks

  1. load the two .csv files you find in Datasets into R objects.
  2. Work through A:D cleaning, visualising and fusioning the two tibbles.
  3. Run statistical models (in E) predicting whether a patient is a no-show for an appointment.
  4. Prepare two documents (with code examples) documenting your work - a .html document and a .html presentation (you are expected to use the slides from this presentation to talk us through what you did and what you found out).


A - Setup

  1. Open your bernrbootcamp R project. It should already have the folders 1_Data and 2_Code. Make sure that the data files listed in the Datasets section above are in your 1_Data folder.

  2. Open a new R script. At the top of the script, using comments, write your name and the date. Save it as a new file called final_project.R in the bernrbootcamp folder.

  3. Using library() load the set of packages for this practical listed in the packages section above.

  4. Read the appointments.csv and the weather.csv files into two objects called appointments and weather respectively. Check out the content of the two datasets in Overview and Datasets above.

B - Initial data inspection

  1. We want to first see what variables are in the dataset (check out Datasets above) and whether there are variables with impossible values. Generate an overview of all variables with minimum and maximum values, means and medians for all appropriate numeric variables. Correct the variable(s) that stand out and provide a rational for what you did. Also rename Hipertension into Hyptertension and Handcap into Handicap.

  2. How many patients showed up for their appointment(s), how many did not?

  3. How many patients are female, how many are male? Who (PatientID) has the most number of appointments? Split that analysis (most number of appointments) for gender.

  4. Generate a simple plot with the age of all patients.

  5. Summarise the number of particiants per age in years (range: range(appointments$Age)) for the whole appointments dataset. Generate a line graph showing the distribution of patients per age. Now split this graph into two rows with Female|Male and two columns with Show|No-Show - this will give you an age distribution with four panels.

  6. Generate a new variable age_group which includes four groups [1:4] where 1: ‘children’ between 0 and 18 years, 2: ‘young adults’ between 19 and 30 years, 3: ‘adults’ (31:50 years) and 4 ‘old adults’ (51:max(Age))

  7. Plot the four age groups on the x-axis and the size of the groups on the y-axis (call this variable: number_cases). Connect the points with a line graph, separated for gender. Facet the graph into two parts, with noshow ‘No’ on top and nowshow ‘Yes’ on bottom. So ultimately you should have 4 lines, 2 in each panel.

C - Playing with time

  1. We want to explore the time difference between making an appointment and actually having an appointment a little more. Using the lubridate() package extract Year-Month-Day from ScheduledDay and write this date information (without time) into a new variable ScheduledDate (Hint: date() ). Convert AppointmentDay to the date class, too. We want to get the distribution of time between scheduled appointment date and actual appointment day - write this difference (in days) in a new variable called time_diff. There are some appointments with a negative time_diff. We assume that these are based on typos - remove them from the dataset.

  2. Categorize lead days - we now want to categorize the time_diff variable into a new varialbe called lead_days with five categories: ‘0 days’, ‘1-2 days’, ‘3-7 days’, ‘8-31 days’, ‘32+ days’.

D - Adding the weather

  1. Weather could have a strong influence for going to the doctor. The weather tibble provide information about the weather in Vitoria.We will join the two datasets adding RH2M, T2M and PRECTOT from weather to appointments. You want to join these by AppointmentDay (from appointements) and YYYYMMDD (from weather) - Hint: left_join(). Call the new dataset: full_df.

  2. Check that you full_df dataframe has the following dimension:

E - Presenting the results

  1. Generate a new file with File - R Markdown - Document (with the default: HTML). Save this file to your BernRBootcamp folder.

  2. Document your 3 central insights out of this dataset. Describe what the insights are with your own words and document them with figures, statistics and tables produced with R code in your Marddown file FinalReport.html.

  3. Generate a new file with File - R Markdown - Presentation (with the default: HTML Isoslides). Save this file to your BernRBootcamp folder FinalPresentation.html.

  4. Prepare a 15 minute presentation documenting your approach to the Document your 3 central insights out of this dataset. Describe what the insights are with your own words and document them with figures, statistics and tables produced with R code in your Marddown file.


File Rows Columns Description
medical_noshows.csv 110527 14 Patient shows
wheather.csv 41 10 Weather data for Vitoria Brasil

Variables in medical_noshows.csv (appointments)

Variable Description
PatientId ID of a patient
AppointmentID ID for each appointment
Gender Male or Female
ScheduledDay The day of the actual appointment, when patients have to visit the doctor
AppointmentDay The day someone called or registered the appointment, this should be before the appointment
Age How old is the patient
Neighbourhood Where the patient was born
Hipertension True or False
Diabetes True or False
Alcoholism True or False
Handcap Hanicapped - level 1:4, 1 lowest level
SMS_received True: 1 or more messages sent to the patient
No-show 1: No, 2: Yes

Variables in brazil_wheather.csv (weather)

Variable Description
LON Longitude
LAT Latitude
MM Month
DD Day
DOY Day of Year
RH2M Relative Humidity at 2 Meters
T2M Temperature at 2 Meters
PRECTOT Precipitation


Package Installation
tidyverse install.packages("tidyverse")
lubridate install.packages("lubridate")
tidylog devtools::install_github("elbersb/tidylog")